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A member registered Sep 15, 2020

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eye expressions are ok,but no eyebrows,btw,will you re-add the headshot feature?,the one that you shoot the head and it explodes,and also backpack zombies

hello! This sequel is great so far,i ve been playing since i was 7 years old with my friends from school,i really respect you from making a sequel,and thank you for updating it too,i hope this sequel goes well,but theres something small,but it really is bothering me.. i dont like how the characters and zombies have MOUTHS,in the original game they dint have so i guess i got used to it,but thats my opnion..

Thanks for answering me,one more question,when i go to the vintage story site to buy the game,the game is called"game account" right? and when i buy it i will get the game on my email with the key?

I want to buy this game on my birthday,is there any difference from buying in this site from the vintage story site?